Welcome to Rakkosh
Rakkosh or Rakkhosh is a word of Bangla origin and loosely translates into “Beast” in English. The idea came from my good friend and colleague Timothy Wahba and his company name “Beast Enterprises” – also the parent company of Rakkosh.
At Rakkosh, we’re bringing in a collective experience of over 13 years in the web and digital industry. We can fill this page up with all types of usual yada yada but we’re certain, you’re not here to read all of that. The only thing that we’ll include is our guarantee of delivering whatever is committed without overcharging you for things of lesser or no value. For example, if you’re an SEO client with Rakkosh, we won’t bill you for minor changes like plugin or software updates, or billing you an additional $100 for a simple SSL certificate on your website. When you sign up for any of our services be it one time, or monthly, we cover everything that is in the best interest of your business and should be a standard in this day and age.
Rakkosh offers a wide range of online solutions for businesses to grow. Of course, don’t take our word for it. Click here to view our testimonials page. Please check our services page or click here to speak with one of our business/project managers.
While we work 9AM – 5PM Monday to Friday EST, we’re available 24/7 for all types of queries and support services to keep your business up and running.